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Leuweung Lebak Siliwangi Digusur Seniman Bandung Berontak

Di Bandung, sejak beberapa pekan terakhir dihebohkan dengan rencana penggusuran kawasan Lebak Siliwangi sebagai bagian dari kawasan Babakan Siliwangi Bandung, yang terletak di Jl. Babakan Siliwangi, sebuah jalan tembusan Jl. Tamansari melewati Jl.Ganesa Bandung.
Kawasan Babakan Siliwangi memang bukan situs resmi yang dapat dikunjungi oleh sembarang orang. Namun, bagi sebagian besar para karuhun Sunda, kawasan ini menyimpan sejarah panjang bagi kelangsungan hidup budaya, ekologi, seni dan senimannya itu sendiri. Penggusuran ini akan dilakukan oleh pengembang PT Esa Gemilang Indah (EGI), yang berniat ”memanjakan” impian ke arah komersial, dengan dalih bahwa di kawasan tersebut akan dibangun kompleks Pusat Budaya Jawa Barat yang bernuansa seni dan budaya serta (ini dia) menghasilkan fulus yang banyak.

Tentu saja niat itu patut ”diwaspadai” sebagai sebuah iming-iming bahwa kawasan ini akan dijadikan kawasan wisata, cottage, penginapan mahasiswa dan pusat seni Sunda, biasanya dilakukan oleh kelompok tertentu untuk meredam amarah warga. Ini pula yang membuat para seniman Bandung sepakat mengadakan pertemuan untuk kemudian membentuk sebuah wadah perlawanan pada EGI. Maka, ditetapkanlah nama ”SOS Lebak Siliwangi” yang diartikan sebagai ”Selamatkan Jiwa Lebak Siliwangi!!”.
Pembentukan wadah ini bukan untuk menentang program serta niat baik pengembang atau pemerintah, tetapi sebagai sebuah kepedulian sosial budaya, serta wujud ketakutan akan berubahnya kawasan Lebak Siliwangi menjadi hutan beton yang angkuh, padahal sebelumnya Lebak Siliwangi dikenal sebagai hutan kota yang asri, segar, dingin dan akrab. Ketakutan ini tentu saja sangat mendasar, sebab bagi kelompok pengusaha dalam hal ini pengembang, janji manis untuk meraih keuntungan sudah merupakan hal yang biasa, bahkan boleh jadi janji manis merupakan Sunah Muakkad yang harus dilakukan pengusaha. Inilah salah satu yang mendasari ketersinggungan para seniman Bandung.

Mata Air Prabu Siliwangi
Kawasan Babakan Siliwangi sebenarnya terbentang sejak Kebun Binatang, Sabuga ITB, sampai lahan yang selama ini dipakai Rumah Makan Babakan Siliwangi. Luas kawasan ini kira-kira belasan hektar, lahan yang tersisa dari lahan yang dulu dibeli oleh dana APBN ini adalah lahan yang berbentuk Tapal Kuda yang dibatasi oleh Jl. Tamansari dan Sabuga ITB, seluas 3,8 ha, lahan inilah yang disebut Lebak Siliwangi.
Kawasan Babakan Siliwangi merupakan bagian dari sejarah kota Bandung, sebuah kawasan hijau yang menyimpan banyak kenangan dan kesuksesan banyak orang., selain juga merupakan daerah resapan air, bahkan konon menurut para orangtua, di sana terdapat empat mata air yang disebut mata air Prabu Siliwangi. Sejak berdirinya Sabuga yang konon waktu berdiri diperuntukkan bagi seniman tetapi nyatanya menjadi sebuah gedung angkuh yang sulit disentuh para seniman, serta salah satu sumber mata air dijadikan lahan bisnis air mineral ”ganesa”, maka fungsi resapan air menjadi berkurang.
Adalah para seniman seperti Wawan S Husen, Deden Sambas, Ahda Imran, Tisna Sanjaya, Heru Hikayat, Imam Abda, Bambang Subarnas, dan lain-lain, mencoba menengok kembali fungsi Lebak Siliwangi ini sebagai bahan kajian dalam rangka gerakan pemberontakan seniman Bandung terhadap pengembang EGI. Banyak sudah akhirnya data-data yang memperkuat bahwa kawasan Lebak Siliwangi harus tetap menjadi hutan kota, kepentingan budaya, ekologi dan kemaslahatan warga kota Bandung.
Dari mereka saya mendapatkan kisah kecil yang menarik, sejak tahun 1950-an, kawasan Babakan Siliwangi masih berbentuk hutan geledegan (belantara), air sungai Barani yang mengalir menuju sungai Cikapundung selalu menarik perhatian, pohon-pohon yang rimbun, angin yang semilir, cicit burung dan bulan purnama menjadi bagian integral dari pemandangan yang ada, disanalah para seniman dan warga setempat niis (sekedar cari angin) untuk mendapatkan kesegaran alamiah, begitulah bertahun-tahun lamanya, tempat ini menjadi sakral bagi mereka yang ingin mencari jodoh, mendapat ilham, menulis, mengarang, melukis, atau apa saja, ular-ular sanca yang ada di sana tidak pernah mengganggu warga setempat, hingga kini ular-ular tersebut masih tetap hidup di rerimbunan pohon.
Seorang pelukis terkenal, Thoni R. Yoesoef bahkan kemudian memanfaatkan keberadaan Lebak Siliwangi, ia mendirikan Sanggar Olah Seni (SOS) Babakan Siliwangi, berdiri tahun 1982, bersamaan dengan berdirinya Rumah Makan Babakan Siliwangi, diresmikan oleh seniman Anang Sumarna yang waktu itu menjabat sebagai kepala Kanwil Depparpostel Jawa Barat. Thoni R Yoesosef akhirnya melahirkan pelukis ternama seperti Tisna Saleh, Deden Sambas, Suratman, Harkardi, Anang Ruhiat, Fredi Sofyan, Dodo Abdullah, Rosid, dan Edi Turmudi, seorang sastrawan Sunda yang menjadi anggota DPR setelah ”mesantren” di sana.
Lepas dari ada atau tidak ada SOS Babakan Siliwangi, kawasan ini tetaplah hutan kota yang patut dipertahankan keaslian dan keasriannya. Boleh saja Abrianto Effendi Direktur Teknis PT EGI mengatakan bahwa pembangunan kawasan Lebak Siliwangi didesain pusat budaya yang diarahkan menjadi ikon pariwisata yang kuat dengan kelengkapan dari sisi seni-budaya-komersial, misalnya pusat seni dan kegiatan pemuda, amphiteater, rumah makan, kafe, dan didukung oleh tersedianya graha, yaitu fasilitas hunian yang ditujukan bagi masyarakat banyak dengan fasilitas selengkap hotel, dengan tetap memperhatikan lingkungan.
Dalih dan iming-iming itu, tentu saja bukan harga mati yang patut dipercayai begitu saja, karena kalau tiba-tiba kita angkat tangan dan menyatakan setuju, maka ujung-ujungnya tempat ini tetap saja menjadi sebuah pusat keuntungan pengembang dan pengusaha hiburan, dan sebagian besar warga Bandung mengetahui dengan jelas, bahwa akhir-akhir ini mall-mall dan pertokoan yang ada di kota Bandung ditangani oleh pengembang PT Istana Group, yang di dalamnya terdapat PT EGI, PT APP, dan lain-lain. Proyek yang pernah dan sedang digarap mereka antara lain ITC Kebon Kelapa (simpang Jl. Mohammad Toha - Jl. Pungkur) , Pembangunan Pasar Baru (Jl. Otista), Istana Plaza (Jl. Pasirkaliki-Pajajaran), Bandung Electro Centre (Jl. Purnawarman) dan lain-lain? Semua pembangunan tersebut selalu bermasalah, selain membuat lingkungan tidak ramah juga menambah daftar dosa kemacetan kota Bandung.
Kejadian-kejadian tersebut harus menjadi kewaspadaan bagi warga kota Bandung, saya tidak bisa membayangkan betapa hutan kota Bandung Lebak Siliwangi, menjadi hutan beton yang kokoh dan angkuh, di mana lagi Prabu Siliwangi akan menangis?, di mana lagi air akan tertampung?.(


The Cafe and Restaurant Address in Bandung

1. Kafe Kampung Daun
Jalan Sersan Bajuri km 4.7 no 88 Villa Trinity Complex

2. Lembang Kencana
Jalan Raya Lembang no. 302

3. The Peak
Jalan Sersan Bajuri, Perumahan Giri Indah, Lembang

4. Kafe Bunga
Kompleks Istana Bunga, Jalan Kolonel Masturi km 9 Parongpong Lembang

5. Hit Cafe, Hotel Holiday Inn
Jalan Ir H Juanda (Dago) 31

6. Kebun Bambu, Hotel Holiday Inn
Jalan Ir H Juanda 31

7. Sahara Bistro & Kafe
Jl Ir H Juanda 139A

8. Kafe Geulis, Hotel Geulis
Jl Ir H Juanda 129

9. Tizi's Kafe & Resto
Jl Kidang Pananjung 3, Dago

10. Kafe Halaman
Jl Tamansari 92

11. Dago Tea House
Jl Bukit Dago Selatan 53

12. McNzie Uptown Kafe & Resto
Jl Bukit Pakar Timur 73

13 Calista Cafe
Jl Bukit Pakar Timur IV kav B1

14. Kafe Selasar
Jl Bukit Pakar Timur 100

15. Kafe Terraza
Lt.2 Bale Pakuan, Jalan Ciumbuleuit

16. Kafe Ruang Tengah Ardan
Jl Cipaganti 159

17. Kafe Sapu Lidi
Jl Cihampelas 107

18. Ilalang Restaurant dan Coffe Shop
Jl. Karang Layung 24

19. Kafe Resto Arar
Jl Prof Sutami 52A

20. Cellar Cafe & Lounge
Jl Diponegoro 9

21. Tru Cafe
Jl Trunojoyo 8

22. Kafe Paparazi, Hotel Grand Aquila
Jl dr Djundjunan 116

23. The Black Coffee Bar
Jl dr Djundjunan

24. Kapulaga Cafe
Jl Teuku Umar 6

25. Kafe Victoria BIP Lt 2
Jl Sumatera

26. Kafe Pandanwangi
Jl Sumatera 52-54

27. Kelapa Lagoon
Jl Sumatera 2

28. Taman Swargaloka, Hotel Hyatt
Jl Sumatera 51

29. The Taste Cafe, Istana Plaza Lt 3
Jl Pasirkaliki 121-123

30. Kafe Ohala, Istana Plaza
Jl Pasirkaliki

31. O Fresh Salad Bar House
Jl Sunda 71

32. D'Palm
Jl Lombok 45

33. Kafe & Resto Baraya
Jl Gandapura 56-58

34. Dakken Cafe
Jl RE Martadinata 67

35. Kafe Bali
Jl RE Martadinata 215

36. Talagabodas Coffee House Hotel Papandayan
Jl Gatot Subroto 83

37. Kafe Nyonya Rumah
Jl Naripan 92C

38. Asiatique Cafe
Jl. Veteran 5

39.Braga Permai
Jl Braga 59


Jaipongan " The Sundanese Traditional Dance"

Jaipongan was a genre of dance art that was born from creativity of an artist from Bandung, Gugum Gumbira. His attention in the people's art that one of them was to knock on xOBJ made him knew and knew true perbendaharan patterns of the movement of the available tradition dance to Kliningan/Bajidoran or the Tilu Beat. The movements of the aperture, pencugan, nibakeun and several styles of the movement mincid from some art above was enough to have the inspiration to develop the dance or art that currently is known by the name of Jaipongan.


Before the form of this performance art emerged, there were several influences that formed the background of the form of this social dance. In West Java for example, the social dance was the influence from Ball Room, that usually in the performance of social dances is not free from the existence ronggeng and pamogoran. Ronggeng in the social dance no longer functions for the ceremony activity, but for entertainment or the method mixed. The existence ronggeng in performance art had the attraction that invited the sympathy of the group pamogoran. For example in the Tilu Beat dance that like that was known by the Sundanese community, it was estimated this art was popular around 1916. As performance art of the people, this art only was supported by simple elements, like waditra that covered the re-chapter, kendang, two kulanter, three beats, and the gong. Likewise with the movements of his dance that did not have the pattern of the standard movement, the dancer's costume that was simple as the populist reflection.

Together with faded him the artistic kind above, former pamogoran (the spectator who played an active role in performance art of the Beat of Tilu/Doger/Tayub) changed his attention in Kliningan performance art, that in the area of the Coast of Utara West Java (Karawang, Bekasi, Purwakarta, Indramayu, and Subang) was known with the Kliningan Bajidoran term that the pattern of his dance and the performance incident him had the resemblance with art beforehand (knocked on xOBJ). In in that, the existence of the dance in the Banjet Mask was enough to be enjoyed, especially in Karawang, where several patterns of the Bajidoran movement were taken from the dance in this Banjet Mask. Choreographically the dance still menampakan patterns of the tradition (knocked on xOBJ) that contained the element of the movements of the aperture, pencugan, nibakeun and several styles of the movement mincid that in turn became the foundation of the Jaipongan dance creation. Several movements of the foundation of the Jaipongan dance apart from the Tilu Beat, Ibing Bajidor as well as the Banjet Mask were Tayuban and Pencak Silat.

The emergence of the work dance of Gugum Gumbira was initially acknowledged as the Tilu Beat the development, that indeed because of the foundation of the dance was the development from knocking on xOBJ. The first work of Gugum Gumbira was still being very thick with the colour ibing knocked on xOBJ, both from the aspect of the choreography and his accompaniment, that afterwards the dance became popular with the Jaipongan term.

Jaipongan Now
The Jaipongan work first that began to be known by the community to be the "Pulus Keser Bojong leaves" dance and "Rendeng Bojong" that both of them were the kind and the teamed dance of the daughter's dance (Putra and the daughter). From the dance emerged several names of the dancer Jaipongan that was competent like Tati Saleh, Yeti Mamat, Eli Somali, and Pepen Dedi Kurniadi. The beginning of this dance emergence could become discussions, that rumours of his centre were the erotic and vulgar movement. However from exposing several print medias, the name of Gugum Gumbira began to be known by the community, everything after the Jaipongan dance during 1980 was staged in TVRI the Jakarta central station. The impact of this popularity more increased the frequency of the performance, both in the television media, hajatan and celebrations that were held by private enterprise's side and the government.

The Jaipongan presence gave the contribution that was quite big against the instigators of dance art to more again active dug up the kind of the people's dance that beforehand inattentive. With the Jaipongan dance emergence, was made use of by the instigators of dance art to hold Jaipongan dance courses, was made also use of by the businessman of night pubs as the guest decoy of the invitation, where the further development of the efforts opportunity of this kind was formed by the instigators of the dance as an effort to empowerment of economics by the name of the Dance Studio or groups in several areas of the West Javanese territory, for example in Subang with Jaipongan the style "kaleran" (north).

The typical Jaipongan characteristics the style kaleran, namely purity, eroticism, the humorist, the spirit, spontaneity, and simplicity (natural, the way it is). That was reflected in the pattern of the presentation of the dance in his performance, there were those who was given the pattern (Ibing Pola) like in Jaipongan art available in Bandung, also had also the dance that not dipola (Ibing Saka), for example in art of Jaipongan Subang and Karawang. This term could be experienced by us to Jaipongan the style kaleran, especially in the Subang area. In his presentation, Jaipongan the style kaleran this, as follows: 1) Tatalu; 2) the Gadung Flower; 3) Kawung Gopar; 4) the Pembukaan Dance (Ibing Pola), usually was brought by the single dancer or Sinden Tatandakan (attacked sinden but could not singing but danced the song sinden/juru kawih); 5) Jeblokan and Jabanan, was the performance part when the spectators (bajidor) sawer money (jabanan) while greetings tempel. The term jeblokan was interpreted as the couple who resided between sinden and the spectator (bajidor).

The further development of the Jaipongan dance happened in taahun 1980-1990-an, where Gugum Gumbira created the other dance like Toka-toka, Setra Sari, Sonteng, Pencug, Kuntul Mangut, Iring-escorted the Puring leaves, Rawayan, and the Kawung Anten Dance. From these dances emerged several dancers Jaipongan that was competent including Iceu Effendi, Yumiati Mandiri, Miming Mintarsih, Nani, Erna, Mira Tejaningrum, Ine Dinar, Ega, Nuni, Cepy, Agah, Aa Suryabrata, and the smoke.

Today the Jaipongan dance might be acknowledged as one of the identities keseniaan West Java, this was visible in several important agendas that in connection with the guest from the foreign country that came to West Java, then was welcomed with the performance of the Jaipongan dance. Likewise with artistic missions to manca the country was always supplemented with the Jaipongan dance. The Jaipongan dance often influenced other arts available in the West Javanese community, both in performance art of the puppet, degung, genjring/terbangan, kacapi jaipong, and almost all the performances of the people and to music dangdut modern that dikolaborasikan with Jaipong became art of Pong-Dut.Jaipongan that has diplopori by Mr. Nur & Leni

The source of reconciliation
The gift reward. 2003. The description of West Javanese art. Officially Culture & West Javanese Tourism, Bandung.

(The source from wikipedia)


Bandung a haven for snack-lovers and shoppers

Bandung, the capital of West Java province, is about 180 kilometers distant from the national capital, Jakarta.

The city is well-known as a haven for snack-lovers and shoppers, as thousands of food vendors, upmarket restaurants and factory outlets selling garments, bags, footwear and other such things at low prices can be found everywhere around the city.

According to, which provides information to food lovers, there are at least 567 places where you can buy snacks and delicious food in Bandung, a city now populated by over 2.5 million people.

They offer a wide array of food, ranging from traditional Bandung fare to Chinese and European cuisine. Most of these places are usually crowded with visitors on weekends, particularly long week-ends.

Bandung has a host of unique dishes, including peuyeum, baso tahu, baso tahu goreng (better known as batagor) and mie kocok.

It can also boast unique beverages like bajigur and bandrek, both good for warm you up. Bajigur is made from a mixture of coconut milk, brown sugar and kolang-kaling (fruit of the sugar palm), while bandrek is made of a mixture of ginger essence, brown sugar and cinnamon.

The following is a guide for you to find the locations of snack and food centers as well as shopping places in Bandung, a city also dubbed the Paris of Java.

Traditional cuisine

In the southern part of Bandung, or to be exact in Jl. Sukarno-Hatta, about 500 m to the east of Leuwipanjang bus station, you can find a line of restaurants serving uniquely Sundanese dishes, like nasi timbel (rice cooked in banana leaves) plus associated side dishes like salted fish, various fried vegetables, fried fish or chicken or steamed fish or chicken in banana leaves.

A complete ""nasi timbel must always be accompanied by terasi (a mixture made of chili, shallot, garlic, salt, condiment and brown sugar.)

If you go past two traffic lights from Leuwipanjang to the east, you can find two famous Sundanese traditional restaurants, Ampera and Laksana.

Although the two are opposite each other, they have not tried to grab each other's customers. Aside from selling Sundanese dishes, they also sell unique Sundanese snacks like peuyeum (fermented cassava) and various uniquely West Javanese items for souvenirs like keyhangers in the shape of an angklung (a uniquely Sundanese musical instrument made of suspended bamboo tubes that sound when shaken) or a shadow puppet character.

Another famous Sundanese restaurant, Sari Sunda, about 2 kilometers to the east of Ampera and Laksana, entertains its visitors with Sundanese music while they enjoy Sundanese dishes sitting crosslegged on the floor with panoramic views around them.

Similar Sundanese cuisine is also available at a number of restaurants on Jl. Dago and around Gasibu, in front of the West Java governor's office, which is known as Gedung Sate.

If you would like to enjoy Sundanese dishes and at the same time savor the beauty of Bandung's panoramic scene (particularly the city lights at night), pay a visit to Dago Tea House. Apart from serving Sundanese dishes, it also offers teh poci (hot tea from a clay teapot), bandrek and bajigur. If you are lucky, you can eat your food while enjoying a Sundanese music and dance performance.

Bandrek and bajigur, can also be obtained at foodstalls in Taman Cilaki, behind Gedung Sate. One such bajigur stall is Bajigur Supratman, which has been there for 45 years. Also in Taman Cilaki you can find other foodstalls selling seafood and steak at low prices.

Another drink associated with Bandung is fresh milk. You can easily get it at Lembang, north Bandung. Or just go to Bandoengsche Melk Centrale (MC) on Jl. Aceh, about 5 km to the west of Bandung City Hall.

This building, now renovated, used to be a center for the production and distribution of milk to all parts of Bandung in the 19th century.

Accommodating about 100 visitors, it offers a menu consisting milk and other foods made from milk like yogurt, kefir and milkshake, all sold at prices ranging from Rp 1,000 to Rp 4,500 per glass.

If you like peuyeum you can try it at the intercity bus station at Leuwipanjang, Jl. Soekarno-Hatta. If you like it, you should also try colenak (roast ""peuyeum plus a solution of brown sugar and grated coconut).

One famous outlet is Murdi Putra, Jl. Ahmad Yani 777, off Pasar Cicadas, about 5 km to the east of downtown Bandung. The counter uses up about 70 kg per day because it also supplies its colenak to upmarket hotels and restaurants in Bandung. It is also available around Pasar Simpang Dago in the northern part of Bandung.

Batagor is one of the most favorite dishes in Bandung. It is made of a mixture of sago and fish put into tofu. It is also served with chili mixed with peanut sauce.

The oldest vendor of batagor is Batagor Isan on Jl. Astanaanyar. It began its business back in 1969.

Other venues where you can find batagor include Batagor Kingsley, Jl. Veteran and Batagor Riri on Jl. Burangrang. Close to Batagor Riri you can find a family restaurant, Saboga, which sells a combination of baso tahu and siomay (steamed ravioli).

In front of these you can find a food court that sells Martabak San Francisco (pancakes with a savory filling), a place always crowded with buyers.

If you wish to sample Western dishes, go to Bukit Dago, where you can find restaurants and cafes such as The View, The Peak, Callista and Sierra. Here you can also enjoy nighttime views of the city.

Handicrafts and clothing

If you need uniquely Sundanese or West Javanese souvenirs, just go to Jl. Braga, on the left side of Gedung Merdeka. Here you can find shops selling a variety of handicraft items. The nearest is Sarinah Department Store, about 100 meters behind Gedung Merdeka. If you would like to buy genuine wooden puppets, go to Jl. Pangarang, behind Hotel Savoy Homann, to find the makers.

If you like shopping, don't forget to go to Cihampelas, west Bandung, as this is where you can find a lot of shops selling low-priced jeans. If you would like to buy low-priced footwear, go to Cibaduyut in south Bandung.

If you wish to buy more than souvenirs, go to the north part of Bandung where you can find a lot of factory outlets selling branded items ranging from trousers, shirts, footwear and bags to many other items, all at low prices.

Scores of ""factory outlets"" can be found along Jl. Dago, Jl. Riau and Jl. Setiabudi. There are at least five major factory outlets on Jl. Riau alone: Heritage, The Summit, Metropolis, Renarriti and China Town.

Of course, there is a price war between these factory outlets. The Summit, for example, has started a special counter, ""Forever Sale"", which sells many types of garment at just Rp 10,000.

Along Jl. Dago, you can also find a lot of factory outlets. Dago, which is at its most crowded at weekends, is also an area where you can find a lot of vendors of colenak, roast corn and roast sticky rice, plus many other snacks like roast banana with cheese and toast.

A week is not long enough to visit all the venues where you can buy snacks and foods and do your shopping. A haven for shoppers, Bandung attracts a least 50,000 tourists -- 70 percent from Jakarta -- on weekends, a reason why the city's main roads, particularly in the north, are always congested on Saturdays and Sundays.


Merchandise and Antiques

Wayang golek or wooden puppet is a puppet that is originally from West Java. In early days it was used as a medium to socialized Islam religion. But nowadays it is used to entertain people. The character itself is mostly taken from famous Hindu epic the Mahabharata and Ramayana. They represent a battle among good and evil. Nowadays Wayang Golek has become one of the finest merchandise from Bandung. Dekranasda, Cipacing area and Sarinah are few shops that provide wayang golek.

Place that specialized in providing city souvenirs, especially T-Shirts. Every souvenir is packed by unique packing that mainly describes sundanese culture. Find also various Bandung design collections for your gifts.

Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 111—————-Opened:

Dekranasda Bandung
Bandung arts and crafts centre. Here most of Bandung best craft are available. Dekranasda is a government department that develops the local craft production to enhance their quality.

Jl. Soekarno Hatta 112———————Opened:

It is one of the oldest supermarkets in the city. Built in the late 20’s. Sarinah still exists and trade various products until now. Here you can find fine quality of Bandung merchandise.

Jl. Braga 10———————————-Opened:

It is the best wooden puppet producer in the city. Cupumanik provides various wooden puppets with the best quality.

Jl. M. Akbar 10——————————-Opened:

Saung Angklung Udjo Souvenir Shop
One of the most complete souvenir shops in the city. Saung angklung udjo provides various souvenirs. From crafts to t-shirts are available here.

Jl. Padasuka 118——————————Opened:

Not only sells merchandise and craft, Kalingga also provides various antique goods from centuries ago.

Jl. Dr. Djunjunan 129—————————Opened:


Museum Conference Asia African

Inspired by will, desire to immortalize event have conference Asia African which oftentimes thrown by state leaders and Asian nation of African, hence delivering birth idea of Prof. Dr. Mochtar Kusumaatmadja, S.H., LL.M. to found Museum Have Conference Asia African.

That Idea is thrown in committee meeting forum Commemoration Of Asian Conference [of] African of Ke-25 ( 1980) and greeted either by forum, including from President of RI. Soeharto; in consequence, hence one of the Committee activity Commemoration Of Asian Conference of African of 25th is to realize the idea.

Idea founding of Museum conference Asia African is then realized by Joop Ave as Daily Chief of Committee Commemoration Of Asian Conference of African of 25th and Director-General Protocol and Departmental Consular Abroad, work along with Department of Information, Departmental of Education and Culture, local government of West Java, and University of Padjadjaran Bandung.
Museum Asia African conference have opened the forming of by President of RI. Soeharto on 24 April 1980 as top commemoration of Asian Conference [of] African of 25th and become property of republic government of Indonesia. As according to existing governmental organization chart and Decree With Overseas minister [of] Number: 144/07/VI/80/01 and Minister of Education and Culture of Number: 0815 a/U/1980 of is 25 June 1980, Museum Asia African conference have reside in Departmental environment of Education and culture of cq. Directorate general Culture which [is] its management is]supported by Governmental and Overseas Department of Province Area of West Java.

Considering specialty of content of Museum, that is overseas politics and too much him of museum handled by Directorate of museum Directorate general culture of Department Education and Culture, hence by letter Decision With Minister for Foreign Affairs. Number: 62/OR/VI/86/01 and Minister of Education and Culture of Number: 0419 a/U/1986 of[is 18 June 1986, domiciling Museum Have conference Asia African transferred again from Department Education and Culture into Overseas Department cq. Body Research and Development of Overseas Problem. Domiciling this confirmed with its exit Decree Minister for Foreign Affairs Number: 173/OT/X/97/01 23 October 1997 about Organization and Administration of Museum Have conference Asia African which its contents show museum as technical executor of Research body and Development of Overseas problem.
Museum located in next left wing of Gedung Merdeka (Independence Building) this and immortalize in around event, problem of, and influence which circuit Asian African Conference, pertained into political history museum, specially overseas politics
As for intention of founding of this museum among others is to save, collecting, looking after, process, and present information and omissions which apropos of event background, and growth of Asian African Conference; things which apropos of social aspect of culture and role of Asian African nations, specially Indonesian nation in political chess and life of world.

Despitefully, also to support the effort in order to development of culture of national, education to the rising generation, and improvement of tourism asset.

In running its function as study center, education, information, and recreation, museum supported by showroom which remain to demonstrate a number of photo and goods omission of Asian African Conference of Year 1955 and commemoration of Asian African Conference of 25th year 1980; visual audio room which present film of documentary about Asian African Conference [of] and nations expand, and also library service owning books collection and documents ( magazine, newspaper, archives, brochure, and others) containing about Asian African Conference Year 1955, its continuation conferences, Asian African nations and nations expand otherly.
To visitor, Museum Asia African conference have opened on Monday - Friday at 08.00 - 15.30 WIB, Saturday - Sunday and other national red letter day of cover, unless there is special request of visitor.

Museum Conference Asia African
Jl. Asia Afrika 65
Bandung 40111, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Telp./Faks.: (+62.22) 423 8031, 423 3564


Mang Koko (1917 - 1985)

For anyone that liked kawih Sunda (the Sundanese song), could be ascertained will know or at least heard the name: Mang Koko (alm). A teacher, the student, the man of letters, the writer, the journalist, the organiser, the creator of the song, the Sundanese gamelan music reformer, and ought to become the model for the art practitioner in modern. Mang Koko has the success was creative kawih for children until the mature level, so as more was known as the gamelan music maestro, and works him take the form of kawih, the lyric (pupuh rancag), a map tandak, gending karesmen, dll., eternal until kiwari. His works were still reverberating in the stages, radio, and television.

His original name the Pilgrim Koko Ko- Swara (was born in Indihyang, Tasikmalaya, on April 10 1917 and died on October 4 1985). Mang Koko was Putra single from the couple Siti Hasanah and Muhammad Ibrahim Sumarta, that were lined the descendants Banten/Sultan Hasanuddin Sultan. His name was so fragrant, fragrant in Indihyang and mengaharumkan the Bandung name. In February 2004, the Service of Pendidikan Kota Tasikmalaya then held an agenda pangéling-éling on the service of Mang Koko, with the editorial of “Nguniang ti Indihiang, Padungdung Nanjung in Bandung”. From this agenda, it was clear that Mang Koko became the community's Tasikmalaya pride, as his home town and the place headed penitian his career that was bright. The expression of the appreciation of the Tasikmalaya resident against Mang Koko, was proven by being made by him Street Mang Koko, that was declared on October 17 2005. Mang Koko also really loved Indihiyang and the Bandung City. Kawih sanggian him that be entitled “Bandung”, was one of the favourite proof and his attention of the Bandung city.

Mang Koko began his career in music by establishing Kanca Indihiang during 1946. The Kanca Indihiang song that was popular among them “Badminton”, “Maén Bal”, “Buruh Leutik”, “Jaman Atum”, etc.. Mang Koko was the artist that always gaze at far ahead, so as for him regeneration was garapan that was very important. Be aware of that, Mang established associations of art that to re-educate children until mature in progressing in the world of gamelan music. Mentioned “Taman Murangkalih”, “Taman Cangkurileung”, “Taman Setiaputra”, “Ga you Mekar”, “Gamelan Mundinglaya”, and “Taman Bincarung”. His idea of establishing the organisation of art, was marked also by the appearance of the work book of Mang Koko, like the Cangkurileung Garden totalling three volumes (1954), Dual Mekar (1956), the Bincarung Garden (1958), etc.

As an organiser, the next one of Mang Koko and friends established the Cangkurileung Foundation on March 6 1959 that concentrated in Bandung. Whereas his branches spread in almost all of West Java. His activity was systematic and kostinten, as filling the agenda kawih in RRI Bandung every day on Sunday, held the gamelan music course for the teachers, published the Swara Cangkurileung Magazine (1974-now), etc.. Now, the Foundation's Cangkurileung activity was still taking place, was continued by two from his Putra's eight people, that is carrying Benyamin Ko- Swara and Ida Rosida.

Mang Koko also was afresiator Sundanese literature that was very sensitive. He gave birth to many sanggian kawih that rumpaka him came from work poems of the men of letters. Mang Koko worked hard and very thorough in understanding or experiencing the poem that will be arranged by him fully mejadi kawih. Occasionally Mang Koko asked direct to his writer, both concerning the language and his contents cargo. Beginning with kawih “Talatah” (the Siti Armilah work or SAR), “Bulan Dagoan” (the R Ading Affandie work or the RAF), and “Samoja” (the work of Wahyu Wibisana). Three kawih this was born during the 50 's. Further Mang Koko even more nyanggi kawih from work poems of the other man of letters, like “Di Langit Bandung Bulan keur Mayung” the Dedy Windyagiri work, “Bulan Bandung Panineungan” the work of Wahyu Wibisana, “Kudu the Saha” train the Winarya Artadianta work, “Purnama” the work of Agus Sur, “Wengi Énjing Tepang Deui” the work carried Sastrawiria, etc..

Mang Koko was the graduate Mulo Pasundan (1937). He had wrought in Bale Pamulang Pasundan, Harian Cahaya, Harian Suara Merdeka, Jawatan Penerangan Propinsi West Java, the teacher in the Karawitan Conservatory (smoked) Bandung (Now SMKN 10 Bandung) during 1961, that afterwards became KOKAR Bandung Director (1966‑1972), but also had become the extraordinary lecturer in ASTI (the Academy of Seni Tari Indonesia) Bandung (Now STSI Bandung).

Mang Koko was also known as the noose that nyantri. Previously, time was still living in the Chasm road, Mang Koko almost every time At Daybreak carried adzan. His voice screamed sweet, woke up people around it. Mang Koko could carry adzan with sorog, pélog or made you. Reportedly, if heard adzan Mang Koko, the person who did not intend to pray in the mosque then immediately hurried to head the mosque. Similar to with the story Bilal bin Rabbah, the friend Rosululloh SAW, that had the shrill voice sweet every time he carried adzan.

Had a basis his achievement that was bright, Mang Koko had then accepted various appreciation charter from the government, the agency and the organisation, including the highest cup from the government of the centre/the Department of Education and Jakarta Culture, in the category of the reformer of the field of gamelan music art. During 2004, the Cangkurileung Foundation also accepted the Sastra Rancagé Gift 2004 (for the service field), and accepted the gift West Javanese Music Award 2005 of the colleges of Musik Bandung and Disbudpar West Java, for the category of the musical artist who has died.

Several Work songs of Mang Koko, that was taken from Sundanese poetry:

1. Angin Burit (Winarya Artadinata)
2. Angin Priangan (Wahyu Wibisana)
3. Asih Abadi (Dédi Windiagiri)
4. Bulan Bandung Panineungan (Wahyu Wibisana)
5. Bulan Langlayangan Peuting (Wahyu Wibisana)
6. Bungur Mumunggang (Wahyu Wibisana)
7. Di Langit Bandung Bulan keur Mayung (Dédi Windiagiri)
8. Girimis Kasorénakeun (Dédi Windiagiri)
9. Hareupeun Kaca (Winarya Artadinata)
10. Hariring Nu Kungsi Nyanding (Winarya Artadinata)
11. Hirup (Nano S)
12. Imut Malati (Wahyu Wibisana)
13. Jalir Jangji (SAR)
14. Kalangkang di Cikamiri (Wahyu Wibisana)
15. Karatagan Pahlawan (Mang Koko)
16. Kasenian (Mang Koko)
17. Kembang Balébat (Wahyu Wibisana)
18. Kembang Impian (Dédi Windiagiri)
19. Kembang Tanjung Panineungan (Wahyu Wibisana)
20. Kudu ka Saha (Winarta Artadinata)
21. Lalaki Padjadjaran (Mang Koko)
22. Longkéwang (Dédi Windiagiri)
23. Malati di Gunung Guntur (Wahyu Wibisana)
24. Peuting jeung Pangharepan (RAF)
25. Purnama (Agus Sur)
26. Rayagung ka Balé Nyungcung (Dédi Windiagiri)
27. Reumis Beureum (Wahyu Wibisana)
28. Sagagang kembang Ros (Winarya Artadinata)
29. Salempay Sutra (Winarya Artadinata)
30. Sariak Layung (Dédi Windiagiri)
31. Sulaya Janji (Winarya Artadinata)
32. Tanjung (Wahyu Wibisana)
33. Tina Jandéla (Dédi Windiagiri)
34. Wengi Énjing Tepang Deui (Tatang Sastrawiria)***

This article was taken from website the association panglawungan literature sunda / paguyuban panglawungan sastra sunda(


Museum Geologi Bandung

Geologist Laboratory located in Rembrandt Straat ( now Jalan Diponegoro) opened its use on 16 May 1929, taking place Congress Science Pacific IV held in Bandung Erupt World War second by the end of year 1941, causing entire/all important data and collection of other geology have to be carried over to more safe place, that is to a building in Street of Braga.

At a period occupying of Japan, activity of Geologische Dienst ( Museum Geology) start to be recognized by society and name altered to become Kagyoo Zimusho, what later; then change again become Chisitsu Chosajo in the year 1943. After Indonesia proclaim its independence, Museum Geology managed by have Indonesia under head of Arie Frederick Lasut and of Sunu Sumosusastro.

In the middle of nun of research of geology, Dutch aggression in the year 1949 causing activity a little a few/little. After Department Geology formed in the year 1952, research of geology in Indonesia return to walk with interest planned.

Renovate of Museum Geology, have been done in the year 1980 without changing its original looks architecture form of deco art, this matter because building of Museum Geology of is including into one of the cultural pledge building which taken care of by its continuity.

To anticipate growth of its function, passing To Directorate General Geology and of Mineral Resources, Governmental of Indonesia conduct cooperation with Government of Japan in activity renovates Museum Geology. Pursuant to note agreement of cooperation signed by both side on 25 March 1999, Government of Japan lift a hand donation fund in is ready of equipments of physic related to education, research, and documentation system, as for Government of Indonesia provide fund utilized to renovate building interior.

Reopening of Museum Geology conducted by President Republic Of Indonesia, Megawati Soekarnoputri on 22 August 2000, related with International Symposium of Museum Geology which is titled “To the Future: Museum Geology in Change of World” followed by expert of earth science and from museum of Japan, English, Dutch, Australian, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, and is other.

Museum Geology, as one of the technical Unit Executor [in] Body Research environment and Development of Energy and of Mineral Resources, Departmental of Energy and of Mineral Resources, in this time have immeasurable of collection of rock type, mineral, fossil, and some artifacts from entire continent region archipelago of Indonesia.
Looked into the aspect of collect, Museum Geology represent complete and biggest museum in South-East Asia. The Collection archives, kept, and documented with system of computerized; noted around 250.000 rock sample and mineral and also 60.000 fossil from various age and type.

On the way its function, Museum Geology in this time cover research medium function, education, documentation, provide various information about earth science as well as object of tourism. With settlement of more physic of modern technological touch, in this time Museum Geology felt more attractive and is communicative, so that earn more enthused and felt by its benefit either by public society and or [all] earth man of science.

For visitor, Museum Geology opened on Monday - Thursday at 09.00 - 15.30 WIB, Saturday - Sunday at 09.00 - 13.30 WIB

Museum Geologi
Jl. Diponegoro 57
Bandung 40122, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Telp. (+62.22) 720 3205-08 (Hunting), Fax. (+62.22) 720 2669


The Legend Of Sangkuriang(Sasangkala Sangkuraing Kabeurangan)

In ancient the time, in upgraded Parahyangan, stood a prosperous kingdom (gemah ripah lohjinawi kerta raharja). This prabu that be fond of sport went hunting the animal, that always was accompanied by his dog that was loyal, that was named "Tumang".

Once upon a time Prabu went hunting deer, but has all day long results were more displeasing. The fugitive's animal in the forest as though vanishing was swallowed the earth. In the middle of disappointment did not get his fugitive's animal, Prabu was startled by inciting his loyal dog of "Tumang" that found a female baby tergeletak around rimbunan the field. Really happy Prabu, when the discovery of the female baby that berparas pretty this, considering for quite a long time Prabu craved a daughter, but still not was blessed with the child. The female baby was given by the name of the daughter Dayangsumbi.

Finally the daughter Dayngsumbi that was pretty after mature was proposed by a man, that afterwards dikarunia a male child who was given by the Sangkuriang name that also in the future had the hunting hobby like also Prabu. However love the husband Dayangsumbi not be aged long.

Finally the daughter Dayngsumbi that was pretty after mature was proposed by a man, who afterwards had a male child who was given by the Sangkuriang name that also in the future had the hunting hobby like also Prabu. However love the husband Dayangsumbi not be aged long.

At one time, Sangkuriang that still was very very young, held the hunting was accompanied by the pet dog Prabu that also his mother's pity, that is Tumang. However the not better day caused the hunting to not receive results of the fugitive's animal. Because Sangkuriang promised to present the heart of deer for his mother, whereas the fugitive's deer were not obtained by him, then Sangkuriang nekad killed the Tumang his dog of the mother's pity but also Prabu to be taken to heart by him, that afterwards was dedicated to his mother.

When Dayangsumbi finally knew that the heart of deer that were presented by Putra him not other was the heart "the Tumang" his pet dog, then murkalah Dayangsumbi. Pushed by anger, without deliberate, was stricken by him his Putra's head by ladling out rice that was held by him, until causing the resulting wound. Sangkuriang felt efforts to make his mother happy were in vain, and felt his action was not guilty. He thought not the heart of deer, the heart of the dog also was, by not thinking about loyalty the Tumang that all his life has loyal served to his employer. Sangkuriang also fled left the kingdom, then disappeared without karana.

After the incident of Dayangsumbi felt really regretted, every day he always prayed and asked Hyang Tunggal, so that he could be brought again together with Putra him. In the future this request was granted, and the cheapness Hyang Tunggal only then Dayangsumbi was rewarded durable young. Syahdan Sangkuriang that continued to roam, he grew penjadi the courageous young man, invulnerable supernatural power apalgi after he was successful menaklukan the nation siluman that was magical also, that is Guriang Tujuh (seven devils).

In at one time his roaming, Sangkuriang without being realised by him he returned to the kingdom where he came. And the living plot brought together him with a daughter that berparas lovely nan captured, that not other was the daughter Dayangsumbi. Sangkuriang fall in love to this daughter, likewise Dayangsumbi was enchanted would courage and the Sangkuriang handsomeness, then love relations both of them were established. Sangkuriang and Dayangsumbi at that time did not know that in fact both of them were the mother and the child. Sangkuriang had finally proposed to Dayangsumbi to be proposed to his wife.

The first condition, Sangkuriang must be able to make a big boat. The second condition, Sangkuriang must be able to make the lake could be used sailed him this boat.

Sangkuriang promised this condition, he worked overtime was helped by wadiabalad the devil headed by Guriang Tujuh to bring about this request. Big wood wood for the boat and stemmed the Citarum river, he got from the forest in a mountain that according to the legend in the future was given by the name of the Bukit Tunggul Mountain. As for the twig and the leaves from the tree that was used by his wood, he gathered disebuah the hill that was given by the name of the Burangrang mountain.

In the meantime Dayangsumbi also asked Hyang Tunggal to help him, thwarted the Sangkuriang intention to memperistri himself.

Hyang Tunggal granted the Dayangsumbi request, before the Sangkuriang work was finished, the chicken also crowed and the dawn broke ……. Sangkuriang angry, learned he failed to fill this condition, he kicked the boat that was made by him. The boat had finally fallen lay face down and according to the legend in the future was the Tangkuban Parahu Mountain, while the Citarum River current that was stemmed little by little formed the Bandung lake.


Patengan Lake (Situ Patengan)

Situ Patengan or is most known as Situ Patenggang represent an romantic legend in epoch yore. After entering spandrel of Situ Patengan, we will enter green of tea plantation. And not far to the fore, we will see the carpet irrigate very a lot of with the natural beauty which is beautiful sight. freshness And ruthless add our freshment in the Tour place of Situ Patengan.

Feel run down at the time of journey to this location, will lose when we gave arrive to this location of Situ Patengan. wide Water Carpet, with the haze touch draping, growing its beautiful atmosphere in this lake. seenly is its peace irrigate the lake, as fresh as air which we breath in, and as cold as lake atmosphere will make we feel the peace and we can forgot about a moment and stress which is being faced.

Besides we can enjoy the view from lake periphery, we can also rent the boat to encircle the lake, especially visit the island becoming complement of legend of Situ Patengan. Pulau Asmara and batu cinta represent is the location that can be targeted of all tourist. It is said according to its story, any person who stop by to Batu cinta and encircle the Love Island hence will get the endless love. This matter possible make batu cintaand Pulau Asmara become the place that is making tourist become anxious.


The Bandung tour the South territory (Wisata Bandung Selatan)

Bandung was south more was known with his activity centres agro the tour (agriculture and the tea plantation in Rancabali, Ciwidey, Malabar, Pangalengan and Gunung Halu), the Tirta Tour (There Patenggang and There Cileunca) and Wana Wisata (the Kamojang Crater, the White crater and hot Cimanggu water).

The area of the Ciwidey Tour was to be the area of the aim of the tour that was complete enough at the south of the Bandung Regency, by Pangalengan with the tourist attraction There Cileunca him, Agro the Malabar tour, and the object of the other tourist attraction.

The Patengan lake (Situ Patengan)
Was a nature lake that was located in the tea plantation ranca Bali, be at a distance around 47 Km from the Bandung city. Was the tour region that berudara cool and fresh, very far from pollution. At the edge of the lake was gotten by many boats that could be leased for tourists over the lake.

Traveler Tips: visited this place better in the morning up to the day, because in the afternoon usually the fog descends. The fog there patengan very thick in fact the distance of the look could only 1-2 metre so as to be not seen by scenery anything. For boat rent surrounded the lake better you did bargained counteracted the price before. Usually the price that was offered sektar Rp 10,000 s/d Rp. 15,000/the person.

The White Crater (Kawah Putih)
Still was located in the region ranca Bali, be at a distance around 44 Km from the Bandung city or to be precise in the Wealthy village, the Jambu. Sand subdistrict the white crater was a crater lake from the Patuha mountain with the height 2.434 metre above sea level. This crater was one of the craters with the level of acidity of the highest sulphur in the world, therefore the colonial Dutch government had built the sulphur factory in this place.

The uniqueness of this tourist attraction was his crater that was white, air here very cold in fact could reach 0- 2 levels celcius in certain seasons.

Traveler Tips: Same like there patengan in the afternoon in the white crater usually descended the very thick fog. Besides this the level of sulphur became very high so as this crater was often closed in the afternoon.

The Strawberry garden.
The tour reaped strawberry at this time was the tour that really was enjoyed by tourists.

Strawberry was the product agrowisata supreme from the Bandung regency, especially in the Ciwidey area. In this area was gotten plenty of gardens strawberry traditional up to the garden with the professional management. You were free to choose what garden that was liked by you and reaped personally direct.

Traveler Tips: Strawberry the good quality was precisely received apart from the rain season, because of his characteristics that were easy broken/rotten if often was affected by the rain water. If you visited when the rain season, better choose the garden strawberry that was closed/used green house.

The Ciwidey area really was rich in the source of hot water natural. One of them make use of by the sounding lead perhutani as the Cimanggu swimming pool. The Cimanggu pond had facilities parked that was wide, the place played children, etc..

As in the case of Cimanggu, Ciwalini also made use of his spillway the source of the hot spring nature. This swimming pool was in the Walini environment of the tea plantation that was cool.

Traveler Tips: Cimanggu the pond and the area parkir him was wide + was supplemented with the playing place of children, but ciwalini had clearer water..

Ranca Upas.
An available complex of the camp earth around the area of the Eucalyptus crop, a kind of crop that came from the Australian continent. This region be at a distance 41 Km from the centre of the Bandung city, and was located in the height 1.700 metre from sea level, with the temperature of air in general 18 levels celcius.

In this place also was gotten by breeding of deer that became the attraction for tourists.

The Cileunca lake.
The Cileunca lake was an available lake in the Pangalengan area. This lake was the artificial lake that the width 1.400 hectare by being surrounded hills and had a background mountains.

Apart from functioning as onjek the interesting tour, there Cileunca also functioned as the source of water for the generator of the electricity power. Water was from the lake channelled through the Palayangan river, that also often was used as the arena had crossed jeram/rafting. Peket rafting in the Palayangan river

The plantation of Malabar Tea.
The Malabar mountain that had the attraction of the tea plantation of nature with cool air natural, really was suitable for the sport activity walked/tea walk while ber recreation. In the middle of the plantation was gotten by old building sorts that still were treated well, like guest house, administration's housing of the plantation in the colonisation period up to the K.A.R. BOSSCHA grave.

The Hot Cibolang Water bathing place.
One wana the hot tour of the water bathing place nature that was located in the bordering jungle with the tea garden. Was located in foot the Puppet mountain in the height 1.500 metre above sea level, with the revolving temperature 18 levels celcius. Really was suitable for the family's tour with quite complete facilities.


Angklung art from West Java (original Indonesia)

Played the musical instrument angklung not was easy like that was imagined. Needed the sensitivity of the feeling to shake angklung in order to be able to dismiss the soft and toned sound. Want to could play angklung? Come to the Mang Ujo Cave in Padang Ratu, Cicaheum, Bandung, West Java. The management of the Mang Ujo Cave will give the guidance, in fact until taught the instruction angklung. At this time, padepokan accommodated the kindergarten pupil until the interested senior secondary school studied the typical traditional musical instrument of this Parahyangan Land.

When being established around 1938, the deceased Daeng Sutigna only intended to conserve local art. Later, sound-bunyian that was caused from angklung evidently could suck extraordinary attention. Almost every day padepokan was filled up by the visitor, from that only want to just enjoyed the sound wave angklung, to that was interested understand better. Finally Daeng Sutigna increasingly serious managed his cave. He formed the group angklung with the number of players more. Daeng Sutigna seriousness bore fruit results. The group angklung him could appear in front of the Heada of State in the Conference Asian Afika in the Building of Merdeka Bandung in 1955.

Currently, although the founder has died, his heir that is Mang Ujo and Erwin Anwar stayed determined continued the Daeng Sutigna goal. In order to follow the development of the time, Mang Ujo combined the sound angklung with the other musical instrument, like kendang, the piano, the organ, or the guitar. Moreover Mang Ujo made the centre of the production and the development of the artistic creation angklung. His program was introduced angklung to the students at the same time studied about the musical instrument instruction that took this black bamboo base.

Mang Ujo afterwards developed the concept padepokan (Institute) only did not make angklung, but also the other handicraft. By appointing several officials, the Mang Ujo Cave now markets various souvenirs, including the wall decoration or the miniature of the ship and the traditional house.

To popularise the blend of musical art and the handicraft, Mang Ujo established the work was the same as the Government of the Bandung Municipality or the local travel agency. The party of the local guest and foreign will be entertained by the concert angklung, showed the mask dance, the circumcision procession, and the puppet roll over. The players all of them, yes children who were bundled into this Mang Ujo artistic group. Tourists's response in the concert was very positive. Some tourists in fact were not reluctant to go along berlenggak-lenggok followed the musical wave angklung. (Ken/Inka Prawirasasra and Effendi Kasah)

The related Link :


WAYANG GOLEK Spectacular puppetry and gamelan from West Java

Enter a magical and enthralling world of Javanese legend brought to life through the master puppetry and music of West Java’s leading Wayang Golek troupe Giri Harja III led by Asep Sunandar Sunarya, Sunda’s most celebrated dalang (puppeteer). Steeped in a long family tradition of dalangs, he is a captivating storyteller, skilfully manipulating his elaborately carved and decorated puppets through raucous fight scenes, where puppets are thrown and spun in the air, to complex martial arts movements and the delicate and subtle expressions of traditional dance. Asep is particularly loved for his humour, using trick mechanisms in the puppets and hilarious references to every day life to entertain audiences of all ages. The accompanying gamelan music is lively and varied, characterised by dynamic dance drumming contrasting with music of incredible subtlety and beauty.

The troupe
Asep Sunandar Sunarya dalang (puppeteer)
Dedeh Herawati juru kawih sinden (female vocal)
Wandi Suhendi saron I
Asep Suhanda saron II
Dadan Suhendar demung
Dinar Mustika peking
Arief Nugraha R gambang
Endang Rahmat kendang
Aip Wiganda rebab
Akep Rahmat bonang
Cipta Dewa canoli I
Nenah Hayati canoli II
Dedi Rosida gong
Dedi Rosida wiraswara (male vocal)

Wayang Golek is a traditional form of puppetry from Sunda, West Java. Unlike the better-known leather shadow puppets (wayang kulit) which are found in the rest of Java and Bali, wayang golek puppets are made from wood, and being three-dimensional do not use a screen. They simply use a banana palm in which the puppets stand, behind which one puppeteer (or dalang) is accompanied by his gamelan percussion orchestra with (in Indonesia) up to 20 musicians. The musicians are guided by the drummer, who in turn is guided by signals which the dalang gives whenever there is a change of mood or pace required.

Traditionally these shows are performed for at least six hours during the night, attracting an adult audience of all social classes. Originally these shows might be performed, (for example), to appease the gods, to offer thanks or ask protection for a harvest or to exorcise evil spirits. They also continue to be performed at circumcision or wedding parties, or to events such as the anniversaries of large businesses. The wayang golek performance becomes a social event around which there may be many stalls selling refreshments and other small items, and the audience come and go as they please, watching or listening from all sides. They particularly enjoy the clown scenes, when much tomfoolery and satire take place.

The stories are usually based on the epic stories of the Ramayana or Mahabharata, originally Hindu epics from India, which later were adopted and adapted to suit Muslim teachings. (Only in Bali wayang kulit are still used within the Hindu faith). The six hour show of wayang golek does not tell the whole story of these epics. Instead one story might be chosen from a tiny part of the whole epic, and there are many stories within stories. Sometimes new stories are also created, but the history of the characters in the original epic is always respected. After a new story has been performed for some years, this too might become a part of the established fact/storybank(pakem) which other dalang then draw upon. Wayang golek storytelling is therefore like a tree which continues to grow many new branches from the same long-established trunk.

In Indonesia people are familiar with the different types of character appearing in the stories, which can be recognised by the size, shape colour and angle of their eyes and nose and the way they walk, talk, sing, dance and fight. It is a highly respected art form, and continues to thrive as a vibrant living tradition, offering a coded philosophy within which there is something for everyone, rich or poor, politician or artist alike.(


Braga Street

Braga Street is a small street in the center of Bandung, Indonesia, which was famous in the 1920s as a promenade street. Chic cafes, boutiques and restaurants with European ambiance along the street had made the city to attain the Paris van Java nickname. The street starts from a T-junction with the Asia-Afrika Street (or De Groote Postweg during the colonial times) to the north until the city council (balaikota), which was formerly a coffee warehouse.

Early history

Initially, Braga Street has an official name of Karreweg. The city resident dubbed the street as Pedatiweg, from the Indonesian language of horse-drawn carriages (pedati), because it was a narrow street (about 10 m or 30 feet (9.1 m) wide) that only carriages could pass through. The street was built only to connect the major Great Post Road with a coffee warehouse, owned by a Dutch coffee plantation owner Andries de Wilde (the warehouse is now the seat of the city administration or balaikota). In 1856, when Bandung was the capital of Priangan Regency, some colonial houses were built along the dirt road of Braga Street with their houses thatched with reeds, alang-alang grass or other straw materials.

In 1882, a theater group established itself at the south part of the street and the Toneel Braga, the name of the drama group, became famous. Residents flocked into the street to watch the group's performance every night and therefore the road was then improved by stones and oil lamps were installed for the lights. The street was then popularly known as the Braga street.

In 1884, a railroad connecting Batavia to the city was laid down and the city core grew rapidly. New buildings filled the southern end of the street while the northern one was still a rubber tree forest. The street became more famous with a grocery store named De Vries which sells daily needs for rich plantation owners. Hotels, banks, cafes and restaurants were opened and the street transformed itself into a major shopping street.

In the early of twentieth century, the street was the most European shopping street in the Dutch Indies. Several well-known Western products opened their stores in the street, including Chrysler, Plymouth and Renault car distributors. Colonial bookstores, watches and jeweleries retailers and boutique shops were common in the street for the high class people.

In the 1900s, along with the Dutch East Indies government plan to move the capital from Batavia to Bandung, the government included Braga Street into part of town planning. In 1906, the city council began replacing stone by asphalt and applying a new rule of designing new buildings at the street. Art Deco buildings began to decorate the street and about 50% of which are still present with their original architecture.

Starting from the south entrance, the Gedung Merdeka (Independence Building) stands at the corner, known as the venue of the 1955 Asia-Africa Conference. Built in 1895 as a clubhouse for the wealthy, the building was first named as the Concordia Society. The building was renovated twice in 1920 and 1928, the last of which was designed by two Dutch architects, Van Gallen Last and C.P. Wolff Schoemaker. It is now used as a museum of the conference.

At the southeast corner of the cross-section between the Naripan Street, an eight-stories building is noticeable for its distinctive oceanwave style. Designed by Dutch architect A.F. Aalbers in 1936, the radical modern architecture building was used for the DENIS (De Eerste Nederlandsch-Indische Spaarkas or the First Dutch-Indies Savings) bank. Aalbers applied the Amsterdam School architectural style with its strong expressionism dialect, shown by the rounded curves along the horizontal side and one vertical façade in the middle, but he put also the modernist architecture for the interior design. The building is still used as the headquarter of a regional bank, the Bank Jabar.(wikipedia)


Tangkuban Perahu

Tangkuban Perahu, or Tangkuban Parahu in local Sundanese dialect, is an active volcano 30 km north of the city of Bandung, the provincial capital of West Java, Indonesia. It is a popular tourist attraction where tourists can hike or ride to the edge of the crater to view the hot water springs upclose, and buy eggs cooked on its hot surface. This stratovolcano is on the island of Java and last erupted in 1983.

The name translates roughly to "upturning of (a) boat" or "upturned boat" in Sundanese, referring to the local legend of its creation. The story tells of "Dayang Sumbi", a beauty who lived in West Java. She cast away her son "Sangkuriang" for disobedience, and in her sadness was granted the power of eternal youth by the gods. After many years in exile, Sangkuriang decided to return to his home, long after the two had forgotten and failed to recognize each other. Sangkuriang fell in love with Dayang Sumbi and planned to marry her, only for Dayang Sumbi to recognize his birthmark just as he was about to go hunting. In order to prevent the marriage from taking place, Dayang Sumbi asked Sangkuriang to (1) build a dam on the river Citarum and (2) build a large boat to cross the river, both before the sunrise. Sangkuriang meditated and summoned mythical ogre-like creatures -buta hejo or green giant(s)- to do his bidding. Dayang Sumbi saw that the tasks were almost completed and called on her workers to spread red silk cloths east of the city, to give the impression of impending sunrise. Sangkuriang was fooled, and upon believing that he had failed, kicked the dam and the unfinished boat, resulting in severe flooding and the creation of Tangkuban perahu from the hull of the boat.


History Of Bandung

The earliest reference to the city dates back to 1488, but archaeological findings suggest a type of Homo erectus species had lived on the banks of the Cikapundung River and around the old lake of Bandung.[10] During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the Dutch East Indies Company (VOC) opened plantations in the Bandung area. A supply road connecting Batavia (now Jakarta), Bogor, Cianjur, Bandung, Sumedang and Cirebon was built in 1786. In 1809, Louis Napoleon, the ruler of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and its colonies, ordered the Dutch Indies Governor H.W. Daendels to increase the defensive systems of Java against the British from India. Daendels built a road, stretching approximately 1,000 km (621 miles) from the west to the east coast of Java, and passing through Bandung.[11][12] In 1810, the road was laid down in Bandung and was named De Groote Postweg (or the 'main post road'), the present-day site of Asia-Afrika Street. Under Daendels' orders, R.A. Wiranatakusumah II, the chief administration of the Bandung regency at that time, moved its office from Krapyak, in the south, to a place near a pair of holy city wells (sumur Bandung), the present-day site of the city square (alun-alun). He built his dalem (palace), masjid agung (the grand mosque) and pendopo (public-official meeting place) in the classical orientation.[13] The pendopo faces Tangkuban Perahu mountain, which was believed to have a mystical ambience.

In 1880, the first major railroad between Batavia and Bandung was built,[14] boosting light industry in Bandung. Chinese who had previously never lived in the city flocked to help run facilities, services and selling vendor machines. The old Chinatown district in Bandung is still recognisable in the railroad station vicinity. In 1906, Bandung was given the status of gemeente (municipality) and then later as stadsgemeente (city municipality) in 1926.

In the beginning of the 1920s, the Dutch East Indies government made plans to move the capital of Dutch East Indies from Batavia to Bandung. Accordingly, during this decade, the Dutch colonial government started building military barracks, the central government building (Gouvernments Bedrijven, the present-day Gedung Sate) and other government buildings. This plan, however, was cut short by World War II after which the Dutch were not able to re-established their colony.

The fertile area of the Parahyangan Mountains surrounding Bandung supports productive tea plantations. In the nineteenth century, Franz Junghuhn introduced the cinchona (kina) plant.[15] With its cooler elevated landscape, surrounded by major plantations, Bandung became an exclusive European resort area.[16] Rich plantation owners visited the city on weekends, attracting girls and businessmen from the capital, Batavia. Braga Street grew into a promenade street with cafes, restaurants and boutique shops. Two art-deco style hotels, Savoy Homann and Preanger, were built in the vicinity of the Concordia Society, a club house for the wealthy with a large ballroom and a theatre.[14] The nickname "Parijs van Java" was given to the city.

Gedung Merdeka during the Asian-African Conference in 1955

After the Indonesian Independence in 1945, Bandung was determined as the capital of West Java province. During the 1945–1949 independence struggle against the Dutch when they wanted to reclaim their colonies, Bandung was one of the heaviest battle places. The Dutch military commander set an ultimatum for the Indonesian combatants in Bandung to leave the city. In response, on 24 March 1946, much of the southern part of Bandung was deliberately set alight as the combatants left; an event known as the Bandung Lautan Api or 'Bandung Sea of Flame'.[17]

In 1955, the first Asian-African Conference was held in Bandung, attended by head of states representing twenty-nine countries and colonies from Asia and Africa. The conference venue was at the Gedung Merdeka, the former Concordia Society building. The conference announced 10 points of declaration on world peace promotion and oppositions against colonialism, known as the Declaration of Bandung, which followed by wave of nationalism movements around the globe and remapped the world politics.[18] The conference was also the first international conference of colored people in the history of mankind.[19] Richard Wright in his book, The Color Curtain, captured the epic meanings of the conference for people of color around the world.[19] Even black freedom movement activists in the United States referred Bandung as Afro-Asian solidarity in 1960s.[20]

In 1987, the city boundary was expanded with the Greater Bandung (Bandung Raya) plan; a relocation of higher concentration development outside the city in an attempt to dilute some of population in the old city. During its development, however, the city core is often uprooted, old faces are torn down, lot sizes regrouped, and what was idyllic residence is bustling chain


Visit Bandung

Bandung is the capital of West Java province in Indonesia, and the country's fourth largest city. Located 768 m (2,520 ft) above sea level, Bandung has relatively year-around cooler temperature than most other Indonesian cities. The city lies on a river basin and surrounded by volcanic mountains. This topology provides the city with a good natural defense system, which was the primary reason of Dutch East Indies government's plan to move the colony capital from Batavia to Bandung.

The Dutch colonials first opened tea plantantions around the mountains in the eighteenth century, followed by a road construction connecting the plantation area to the capital (180 km or 112 miles to the northwest). The European inhabitants of the city demanded the establishment of a municipality (gemeente), which was granted in 1906 and Bandung gradually developed itself into a resort city for the plantation owners. Luxurious hotels, restaurants, cafes and European boutiques were opened of which the city was dubbed as Parijs van Java.

After Indonesian independence, the city experienced a rapid development and urbanization that has transformed Bandung from idyllic town into a dense 15,000 people/km² metropolitan area, a living space for over 2 million people. Natural resources have been exploited excessively, particularly in the conversions of protected upland area into highland villa and real estates. Although the city has encountered many problems, ranging from waste disposal, floods to chaotic traffic system, Bandung however still has its charm to attract people flocking into the city, either as weekend travellers or living in.