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Uga Wangsit Siliwangi (sunda)

Carita Pantun Ngahiangna Pajajaran

Pun, sapun kula jurungkeun
Mukakeun turub mandepun
Nyampeur nu dihandeuleumkeun
Teundeun poho nu baréto
Nu mangkuk di saung butut
Ukireun dina lalangit
Tataheun di jero iga!

Saur Prabu Siliwangi ka balad Pajajaran anu milu mundur dina sateuacana ngahiang : “Lalakon urang ngan nepi ka poé ieu, najan dia kabéhan ka ngaing pada satia! Tapi ngaing henteu meunang mawa dia pipilueun, ngilu hirup jadi balangsak, ngilu rudin bari lapar. Dia mudu marilih, pikeun hirup ka hareupna, supaya engké jagana, jembar senang sugih mukti, bisa ngadegkeun deui Pajajaran! Lain Pajajaran nu kiwari, tapi Pajajaran anu anyar, nu ngadegna digeuingkeun ku obah jaman! Pilih! ngaing moal ngahalang-halang. Sabab pikeun ngaing, hanteu pantes jadi Raja, anu somah sakabéhna, lapar baé jeung balangsak.”

Daréngékeun! Nu dék tetep ngilu jeung ngaing, geura misah ka beulah kidul! Anu hayang balik deui ka dayeuh nu ditinggalkeun, geura misah ka beulah kalér! Anu dék kumawula ka nu keur jaya, geura misah ka beulah wétan! Anu moal milu ka saha-saha, geura misah ka beulah kulon!

Daréngékeun! Dia nu di beulah wétan, masing nyaraho: Kajayaan milu jeung dia! Nya turunan dia nu engkéna bakal maréntah ka dulur jeung ka batur. Tapi masing nyaraho, arinyana bakal kamalinaan. Engkéna bakal aya babalesna. Jig geura narindak!

Dia nu di beulah kulon! Papay ku dia lacak Ki Santang! Sabab engkéna, turunan dia jadi panggeuing ka dulur jeung ka batur. Ka batur urut salembur, ka dulur anu nyorang saayunan ka sakabéh nu rancagé di haténa. Engké jaga, mun tengah peuting, ti gunung Halimun kadéngé sora tutunggulan, tah éta tandana; saturunan dia disambat ku nu dék kawin di Lebak Cawéné. Ulah sina talangké, sabab talaga bakal bedah! Jig geura narindak! Tapi ulah ngalieuk ka tukang!

Dia nu marisah ka beulah kalér, daréngékeun! Dayeuh ku dia moal kasampak. Nu ka sampak ngan ukur tegal baladaheun. Turunan dia, lolobana bakal jadi somah. Mun aya nu jadi pangkat, tapi moal boga kakawasaan. Arinyana engké jaga, bakal ka seundeuhan batur. Loba batur ti nu anggang, tapi batur anu nyusahkeun. Sing waspada!

Sakabéh turunan dia ku ngaing bakal dilanglang. Tapi, ngan di waktu anu perelu. Ngaing bakal datang deui, nulungan nu barutuh, mantuan anu sarusah, tapi ngan nu hadé laku-lampahna. Mun ngaing datang moal kadeuleu; mun ngaing nyarita moal kadéngé. Mémang ngaing bakal datang. Tapi ngan ka nu rancagé haténa, ka nu weruh di semu anu saéstu, anu ngarti kana wangi anu sajati jeung nu surti lantip pikirna, nu hadé laku lampahna. Mun ngaing datang; teu ngarupa teu nyawara, tapi méré céré ku wawangi. Ti mimiti poé ieu, Pajajaran leungit ti alam hirup. Leungit dayeuhna, leungit nagarana. Pajajaran moal ninggalkeun tapak, jaba ti ngaran pikeun nu mapay. Sabab bukti anu kari, bakal réa nu malungkir! Tapi engké jaga bakal aya nu nyoba-nyoba, supaya anu laleungit kapanggih deui. Nya bisa, ngan mapayna kudu maké amparan. Tapi anu marapayna loba nu arieu-aing pang pinterna. Mudu arédan heula.

Engké bakal réa nu kapanggih, sabagian-sabagian. Sabab kaburu dilarang ku nu disebut Raja Panyelang! Aya nu wani ngoréhan terus terus, teu ngahiding ka panglarang; ngoréhan bari ngalawan, ngalawan sabari seuri. Nyaéta budak angon; imahna di birit leuwi, pantona batu satangtungeun, kahieuman ku handeuleum, karimbunan ku hanjuang. Ari ngangonna? Lain kebo lain embé, lain méong lain banténg, tapi kalakay jeung tutunggul. Inyana jongjon ngorehan, ngumpulkeun anu kapanggih. Sabagian disumputkeun, sabab acan wayah ngalalakonkeun. Engke mun geus wayah jeung mangsana, baris loba nu kabuka jeung raréang ménta dilalakonkeun. Tapi, mudu ngalaman loba lalakon, anggeus nyorang: undur jaman datang jaman, saban jaman mawa lalakon. Lilana saban jaman, sarua jeung waktuna nyukma, ngusumah jeung nitis, laju nitis dipinda sukma.

Daréngékeun! Nu kiwari ngamusuhan urang, jaradi rajana ngan bakal nepi mangsa: tanah bugel sisi Cibantaeun dijieun kandang kebo dongkol. Tah di dinya, sanagara bakal jadi sampalan, sampalan kebo barulé, nu diangon ku jalma jangkung nu tutunjuk di alun-alun. Ti harita, raja-raja dibelenggu. Kebo bulé nyekel bubuntut, turunan urang narik waluku, ngan narikna henteu karasa, sabab murah jaman seubeuh hakan.

Ti dinya, waluku ditumpakan kunyuk; laju turunan urang aya nu lilir, tapi lilirna cara nu kara hudang tina ngimpi. Ti nu laleungit, tambah loba nu manggihna. Tapi loba nu pahili, aya kabawa nu lain mudu diala! Turunan urang loba nu hanteu engeuh, yén jaman ganti lalakon ! Ti dinya gehger sanagara. Panto nutup di buburak ku nu ngaranteur pamuka jalan; tapi jalan nu pasingsal!

Nu tutunjuk nyumput jauh; alun-alun jadi suwung, kebo bulé kalalabur; laju sampalan nu diranjah monyét! Turunan urang ngareunah seuri, tapi seuri teu anggeus, sabab kaburu: warung béak ku monyét, sawah béak ku monyét, leuit béak ku monyét, kebon béak ku monyét, sawah béak ku monyét, cawéné rareuneuh ku monyét. Sagala-gala diranjah ku monyét. Turunan urang sieun ku nu niru-niru monyét. Panarat dicekel ku monyet bari diuk dina bubuntut. Walukuna ditarik ku turunan urang keneh. Loba nu paraeh kalaparan. ti dinya, turunan urang ngarep-ngarep pelak jagong, sabari nyanyahoanan maresék caturangga. Hanteu arengeuh, yén jaman geus ganti deui lalakon.

Laju hawar-hawar, ti tungtung sagara kalér ngaguruh ngagulugur, galudra megarkeun endog. Génjlong saamparan jagat! Ari di urang ? Ramé ku nu mangpring. Pangpring sabuluh-buluh gading. Monyét ngumpul ting rumpuyuk. Laju ngamuk turunan urang; ngamukna teu jeung aturan. loba nu paraéh teu boga dosa. Puguh musuh, dijieun batur; puguh batur disebut musuh. Ngadak-ngadak loba nu pangkat nu maréntah cara nu édan, nu bingung tambah baringung; barudak satepak jaradi bapa. nu ngaramuk tambah rosa; ngamukna teu ngilik bulu. Nu barodas dibuburak, nu harideung disieuh-sieuh. Mani sahéng buana urang, sabab nu ngaramuk, henteu beda tina tawon, dipaléngpéng keuna sayangna. Sanusa dijieun jagal. Tapi, kaburu aya nu nyapih; nu nyapihna urang sabrang.

Laju ngadeg deui raja, asalna jalma biasa. Tapi mémang titisan raja. Titisan raja baheula jeung biangna hiji putri pulo Dewata. da puguh titisan raja; raja anyar hésé apes ku rogahala! Ti harita, ganti deui jaman. Ganti jaman ganti lakon! Iraha? Hanteu lila, anggeus témbong bulan ti beurang, disusul kaliwatan ku béntang caang ngagenclang. Di urut nagara urang, ngadeg deui karajaan. Karajaan di jeroeun karajaan jeung rajana lain teureuh Pajajaran.

Laju aya deui raja, tapi raja, raja buta nu ngadegkeun lawang teu beunang dibuka, nangtungkeun panto teu beunang ditutup; nyieun pancuran di tengah jalan, miara heulang dina caringin, da raja buta! Lain buta duruwiksa, tapi buta henteu neuleu, buaya eujeung ajag, ucing garong eujeung monyét ngarowotan somah nu susah. Sakalina aya nu wani ngageuing; nu diporog mah lain satona, tapi jelema anu ngélingan. Mingkin hareup mingkin hareup, loba buta nu baruta, naritah deui nyembah berhala. Laju bubuntut salah nu ngatur, panarat pabeulit dina cacadan; da nu ngawalukuna lain jalma tukang tani. Nya karuhan: taraté hépé sawaréh, kembang kapas hapa buahna; buah paré loba nu teu asup kana aseupan……………………….. Da bonganan, nu ngebonna tukang barohong; nu tanina ngan wungkul jangji; nu palinter loba teuing, ngan pinterna kabalinger.

Ti dinya datang budak janggotan. Datangna sajamang hideung bari nyorén kanéron butut, ngageuingkeun nu keur sasar, ngélingan nu keur paroho. Tapi henteu diwararo! Da pinterna kabalinger, hayang meunang sorangan. Arinyana teu areungeuh, langit anggeus semu beureum, haseup ngebul tina pirunan. Boro-boro dék ngawaro, malah budak nu janggotan, ku arinyana ditéwak diasupkeun ka pangbérokan. Laju arinyana ngawut-ngawut dapur batur, majarkeun néangan musuh; padahal arinyana nyiar-nyiar pimusuheun.

Sing waspada! Sabab engké arinyana, bakal nyaram Pajajaran didongéngkeun. Sabab sarieuneun kanyahoan, saenyana arinyana anu jadi gara-gara sagala jadi dangdarat. Buta-buta nu baruta; mingkin hareup mingkin bedegong, ngaleuwihan kebo bulé. Arinyana teu nyaraho, jaman manusa dikawasaan ku sato!

Jayana buta-buta, hanteu pati lila; tapi, bongan kacarida teuing nyangsara ka somah anu pada ngarep-ngarep caringin reuntas di alun-alun. Buta bakal jaradi wadal, wadal pamolahna sorangan. Iraha mangsana? Engké, mun geus témbong budak angon! Ti dinya loba nu ribut, ti dapur laju salembur, ti lembur jadi sanagara! Nu barodo jaradi gélo marantuan nu garelut, dikokolotan ku budak buncireung! Matakna garelut? Marebutkeun warisan. Nu hawek hayang loba; nu boga hak marénta bagianana. Ngan nu aréling caricing. Arinyana mah ngalalajoan. Tapi kabarérang.

Nu garelut laju rareureuh; laju kakara arengeuh; kabéh gé taya nu meunang bagian. Sabab warisan sakabéh béak, béakna ku nu nyarekel gadéan. Buta-buta laju nyarusup, nu garelut jadi kareueung, sarieuneun ditempuhkeun leungitna nagara. Laju naréangan budak angon, nu saungna di birit leuwi nu pantona batu satangtung, nu dihateup ku handeuleum ditihangan ku hanjuang. Naréanganana budak tumbal. sejana dék marénta tumbal. Tapi, budak angon enggeus euweuh, geus narindak babarengan jeung budak anu janggotan; geus mariang pindah ngababakan, parindah ka Lebak Cawéné!

Nu kasampak ngan kari gagak, keur ngelak dina tutunggul. Daréngékeun! Jaman bakal ganti deui. tapi engké, lamun Gunung Gedé anggeus bitu, disusul ku tujuh gunung. Génjlong deui sajajagat. Urang Sunda disarambat; urang Sunda ngahampura. Hadé deui sakabéhanana. Sanagara sahiji deui. Nusa Jaya, jaya deui; sabab ngadeg ratu adil; ratu adil nu sajati.

Tapi ratu saha? Ti mana asalna éta ratu? Engké ogé dia nyaraho. Ayeuna mah, siar ku dia éta budak angon!

Jig geura narindak! Tapi, ulah ngalieuk ka tukang!



West Java Specialties

Many people visit Bandung, the capital of West Java province, to pamper their taste buds. You'll be amazed with what Bandung has to offer. From various food sold on street vendors to haute cuisine, every visitor will be able to find something to their liking here, in Bandung.

Sundanese (the people living in West Java are called Sundanese) has tempting refreshments. Sundanese food tends to be bland yet tasty unless you add sambal dadak (chili and other ingredients grinded together) to your food. If you're looking for more spicy taste, just add this sambal dadak with nasi timbel (steamed rice formed into a roll inside a banana leaf) and other specialties. This mouthwatering treat is too good to be missed! Usually sour vegetables soup (sayur asam) is accompanied by nasi timbel.

People with sweet tooth might fancy pisang molen (literally
Sundanese Food
means, molen banana), Indonesian traditional pastry filled with banana and cheese. For a variation, try brownies kukus (steamed brownies). Es cendol, made of blended/grinded rice, palm sugar, and coconut milk, is delightful on a hot day. While for a colder day, you might want to taste bandrek or bajigur.

Bandung also offers various milk products most notably, yoghurt. Basically there are two kinds of yoghurt in Bandung the thin one, and the thick one (French style).

Hot snacks ala Bandung are widely sold throughout the city. Among them are gehu-toge tahu- (beancurd with beansprouts and vegetables filling), pisang goreng (fried banana), cireng-aci goreng- (fried tapioca), and many more. You might be interested in trying other snacks such as, nangka goreng (fried jackfruit), peuyeum goreng (fermented cassava, fried), nanas goreng (fried pineapple), and so on. Ketan bakar (roasted sticky rice) and jagung bakar/rebus (roasted/boiled corns) are also recommended.

Nasi goreng (fried rice), although not originally from Bandung, is also a favorite. The ingredients vary, according to people's preference. Sometimes the rice is mixed with seafood (usually shrimps, pieces of cuttlefish, pieces of crab's flesh), chicken and vegetables, mutton and vegetables, salted fish, and so on.

Cakue, a dish made of flour dough then fried, also worths a try.

Bandung also has other kinds of restaurants, like Padangese (food from West Sumatra, very spicy in taste), Javanese (sweeter in taste), Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Western,

Fondly called Parahyangan meaning, Land of the Gods, this valley city has both metropolitan and homey atmosphere at the same time. Full of eateries, factory outlets, and malls, many people find going on a trip to Bandung both enjoyable and memorable.

Getting There
There are many ways to go to Bandung. You can go by plane, embark a train, or rent a car from Jakarta.

Where to Stay
Bandung has it all, cozy little inns to five-starred hotels.

Moving Around
Public transportation called angkot, covers most of Bandung. For greater comfort, it is best if you take a taxi. For greater comfort still, rent a car. A day's rent will save you time and trouble moving from one place to another and since Bandung is relatively small, you can cover most of Bandung's interesting places in a day.

Dining Guide
For a taste of nasi timbel and other Sundanese food, you can try the restaurants mentioned below. There are many others, though, so while you're in Bandung, you might be able to spot other restaurants selling tasty food.

Jalan Pasirkaliki 160, Bandung
Jalan Laswi 1, Bandung
Traditional food with elegant surrounding.

Jalan Surapati 49
Wide place, where you can eat while lesehan (sitting on the floor without chairs) or using a chair.

Jalan Raya Cikole Km 22
Jalan Raya Propinsi Ciwidey, Kabupaten Bandung
Jalan Surapati 53
One of the most famous Sundanese restaurants in Bandung.

Jalan Dr. Junjunan 107, Bandung
Modernized Sundanese cooking.

Jalan L.L.R.E. Martadinata (Riau) 156-158
Jalan Soekarno-Hatta 408
Good, plain Sundanese cooking.

Jalan Sumatera 9
Chic place. Tasty but the price is higher than other Sundanese restaurants.

Most foodcourts on the malls feature Sundanese cookings/restaurants. Most well-known is Ampera. You can grab nasi timbel here after browsing the malls.

If batagor seems to tempt you, then you might want to check out these restaurants:

Jalan Burangrang 41
You can buy the batagors here half-cooked, so you can fry them at home. Half-cooked batagors only last a few days if put inside a refridgerator.

Jalan Veteran (Bungsu) 25
Has been Bandung?s favorite for ages. You can also buy half-cooked batagors here.

Jalan Buah Batu 139
Jalan Cihampelas 198B
Famous for its batagor and mutton soup.

Pisang molen, brownies kukus are available at:
Sundanese Food

Jalan Buah Batu 165A
Jalan Kebon Jukut 3C
Jalan H. Akbar
Jalan Kopo Sayati 111A
Jalan Terusan Jakarta 77E
Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda (Dago)

Jalan Kemuning 20
Jalan Buah Batu 169A
Jalan Peta 169

Other bakeries also sell these delicacies. If you're busy, you can always go to supermarket. Most of them sell pisang molen and brownies kukus.

Es cendol are available at:
The most famous es cendol is called cendol Elizabeth, for it is being sold in front of Elizabeth's store (store selling bags and shoes) in Southern side of Bandung. However, it might be easier for you to order es cendol at traditional restaurants or buy it at the supermarket (prepacked, so you have to add the mixture of coconut's milk, palm sugar syrup, and the cendol on your own).

Bandrek, Bajigur are available at most Sundanese restaurants.
Sometimes they even sell bandrek and bajigur on sachets, so you can bring them as souvenirs for your loved ones.

Should you fancy yoghurt, you might try these places:

Jalan Cisangkuy 66
Thin type of yoghurt, the hangout place for young and old alike.

Jalan Aceh 30
Apart from yoghurt, you can try other milk products here, such as milk, kefir, and so on.

Jalan Sukawarna Baru 28
French-style yoghurt, thick type. You can order the yoghurt in small cups or in liters.

Interested in hot snacks?
The street vendors selling these snacks can be found throughout Bandung, most notably in Jalan Supratman and Jalan Cilaki. Ketan bakar and jagung bakar/rebus can be found on Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda (Dago) and in Lembang area.

Want a taste of fried rice?
You can get fried rice on street vendors, restaurants, or food courts in malls.

Cakue, you say? Try this place:

BEC Mall Jalan Purnawarman 13-15 2nd floor, C-05
Istana Plaza Mall Jalan Pasirkaliki 121-123, LG-B3
Try the various yummy sauce to add some taste to your cakue.

Feeling adventurous in sampling spicy Padangese food? Try these restaurants:

Jalan Buah Batu 150
Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda (Dago) 55
Jalan Surapati
Jalan L.L. R.E. Martadinata (Riau)
A tad more expensive than other restaurants with similar type, but decidedly tasty. Try ayam pop without the chili sauce, for those of you who favor blander (yet still delicious) food.

Jalan Dipati Ukur 80A
Relatively cheap and yummy.

If you feel like tasting Japanese, Chinese, or Korean food:

Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda (Dago) 48
Buffet style, Japanese food.

Hotel Holiday Inn
Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda 29
Just like sushi bars in Japan.

Hotel Horizon
Jalan Pelajar Pejuang 45
For sushi and various teppanyaki lovers.

Jalan Braga 64
Classy and unique.

Jalan Trunojoyo 32
Spacious place, oriental-style. Delicious food, too. It is also halal, so Muslim people can eat here without any doubts.

IP Mall, Jalan Pasirkaliki 121-123
Wide variety of Chinese food.

Flamboyant Centre, Jalan Sukajadi 232-234
For hainan rice and juan lo lovers.

Jalan Sukajadi 175
Cozy place with great service.

Jalan Karang Sari 21
Very Korean, very chic.

If steak and western food are your favorites, then you might be interested in trying these places:

Jalan L.L. R.E. Martadinata (Riau) 215
Yummy western food with Balinese atmosphere. Aside from western food, this place also serves tradional Indonesian food.

Jalan L.L. R.E. Martadinata (Riau) 67
While savoring your steak, you can also try their coffee. Ideal for hang out.

Jalan Prof. Dr. Eyckman 2
Delicious spaghetti and tasty pizza with thin crusts will make you longing for more.

Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi 174
Cool atmosphere, yummy food.

TAMANI CAFE Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda 7-9
Great western food. Also serves Indonesian and Japanese food. Big portion.

Bandung also has many good restaurants serving seafood. Among them are:

Jalan Cendana 4
Mouthwatering dishes. You can also buy their specialty?crabs, put inside a thermos flask. Ideals as gifts.

Jalan Sukajadi 225
On weekends, you will be able to watch live music. Big portion.

Those who fancy Thai food can try these restaurants:

Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda (Dago) 173
Great service. Mouthwatering dishes.

Jalan Braga 121 2nd Floor
Endless variations of Thai food.

Vietnamese food lovers might find this restaurant to their liking:

Jalan Sunda 56
If you visit this place on weekends, you'll be able to order from their special menu.

Souvenir Tips
Bandung mainly offers food and drink as souvenirs. Visit these stores to grab the famous keripik tempeh, keripik oncom, sale pisang, dodol, and other delicacies:
Both are located in Jalan Cihampelas.

Other Things to See or Do
Shop till you drop at the plentiful Factory Outlets and Malls, visit Cihampelas street to find jeans and clothes, go to Cibaduyut street to see leather products especially shoes and bags, visit other places of attraction in Bandung and surroundings.

Travel Tips

  • If you plan to go to Bandung often, buy a complete map in major book stores। It's a great investment। That way you might save some money. Instead of renting a car, for instance, you can maximize public transportation to bring you anywhere you want to go.
  • you're not certain of local customs, language, menu, etc. don't hesitate to ask!
  • It is advisable to learn a few important phrases in Indonesian. Not all Indonesians can speak English well.


Museum of The Asian-African Conference

The Asian-African Conference which was held on 18th to 24th April 1955 in Bandung gained a big success both in formulating common concerns and in preparing operational guidance for cooperation among Asian African Nation as well as in creating world order and world peace. The conference has had a result Dasasila Bandung, which became the guideline for the colonized countries in fighting for their independence. It also became the fundamental principles in promoting world peace and international cooperation. The success of the conference was not only for the time being but also for the time after so that the soul and spirit of the Asian-African Conference becomes one of the most important factor that deciding world history.

All is a huge prestige that gained by the Asian African Nations. The spirit of Bandung had succeeded in widening the work volume among Asian African Nations. As a consequence, their influence and their role in international cooperation are increased and more respected.

In order to maintain those mentions above, it is important if the Asian-African Conference with its event is maintained eternally in a museum where the conference was held, Gedung Merdeka, Bandung, a city that is considered as a capital city and a source of inspiration for the Asian-African Nations.

As a Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prof. Dr. Mochtar Kusumaatmadja, S.H., LL.M., often met and got involved in some discussions with some of the Asian African Leaders. They frequently asked him about Gedung Merdeka and City of Bandung, which was the venue of the Asian-African Conference. The discussions were always ended with their wishes to be able to visit Bandung and Gedung Merdeka.

Inspired by desires to eternalize the Asian-African Conference, the idea of establishing a Museum of the Asian-African Conference in Gedung Merdeka was born by Prof. Dr. Mochtar Kusumaatmadja, S.H., LL.M.. The idea was delivered in the meeting of the Committee for the Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the Asian-African Conference (1980), which was attended by Directorate General of Culture, Prof. Dr. Haryati Soebadio as a representative for the Department of Culture and Education. Fortunately, the idea was fully supported including President of the Republic of Indonesia, Soeharto

The idea of establishing the Museum of the Asian-African Conference had been materialized by Joop Ave, the Executive Chairman of the Committee of the 25th Anniversary of the Asian-African Conference and Director General of Protocol and Consular in the Department of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with Department of Information, Department of Education and Culture, the Provincial Government of West Java, and Padjadjaran University. The technical planning and its execution was carried out by PT Decenta, Bandung.

The Museum of the Asian-African Conference was inaugurated by President of the Republic of Indonesia, Soeharto on 24th April 1980 as the culmination of the 25th Anniversary of the Asian-African Conference.



Museum of the Asian-African Conference has a permanent exhibition room, which exhibits collections of three-dimension objects and documentary photos of Tugu Meeting, Colombo Conference, and Asian-African Conference 1955.
The exhibition room also provides:
- the historical events that become the historical background of the Asian- African Conference;
- the effect of the Asian-African Conference to the world;
- Gedung Merdeka from time to time;
- Profile of the participant countries of the Asian-African Conference that are performed in the multimedia.

In order to welcome the Delegates of the Tenth Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in 1992 in which Indonesia had been chosen as the host of the conference and became the Leader of the Non-Aligned Movement, the diorama describing the Opening Session of the Asian-African Conference was made।

Renovation of the Permanent Exhibition Room “The History of the Asian African Conference 1955”

In the framework of the Asian-African Summit 2005 and the 50th Anniversary of the Asian-African Conference on 22 - 24 April 2005, initiated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. N. Hassan Wirajuda, the display of the exhibition room at the Museum of the Asian-African Conference was renovated. The renovation was materialized through the cooperation among Department of Foreign Affairs, Secretariat of State, and Provincial Government of West Java. The planning and the execution were carried out by Vico Design and Wika Realty.

The Groundwork of Making the Permanent Exhibition Room “History of the Struggle of the Asia Africa” and Hall of the National Identity of the Asian African Countries (2008)

Department of Foreign Affairs RI has a plan to develop the Museum of the Asian African Conference as a symbol of cooperation between two regions and develop it as a study center, the archive center, and documentation center. One of its efforts is by making some permanent exhibition rooms that perform some pictures and three dimension objects concerning the New Asian African Strategic Partnership / NAASP also some materials that describe the culture of both regions.

The establishment of the museum is planned to be real in April 2008l 2008, on the 3rd Anniversary of the Asian African Summit.

The library provides many books on history, social, politic, and culture of the Asian African Countries and others; documents of the Asian-African Conference and its preliminary conferences; magazines and newspapers donated from other institutions or gained by purchase।

Along with the extension of the permanent exhibition rooms on April 2008, the library will also be developed as an Asian African Library Center which its process will be started in 2007. it is hoped that the library will be the main source of information about those two regions that provide some facilities such as wifi zone, bookshop café, digitall library and audio visual library.

AUDIO विसुअल

As well as the library, the audio visual was built in 1985. the presence of this museum is also inspired by Abdullah Kamil.

The room is applied to perform documentary films on world condition until 1950s, Asian-African Conference and its preliminary conferences, and films about the social, politic, and culture condition of the Asian-African Countries.

Open for public:

Monday-Friday 08.00-15.00 WIB


Museum of The Asian-African Conference
Jl. Asia Afrika No. 65, Bandung 40111

Phone : (+62-22) 4233564/ 4238031
Fax : (+62-22) 4238031
E-mail :
Website :


KH. A.F. Ghazali

KH. A.F. Ghazali, da’i kondang yang sangat dicintai oleh umat. Dalam ceramahnya, KH. A.F. Ghazali lebih banyak menggunakan bahasa Sunda. Beliau selalu menggunakan bahasa yang mudah dicerna oleh masyarakat, pandai dalam membuat analogi yang bisa dimengerti. Guyonannya segar dan cerdas. Tidak heran kalau kasetnya laku keras.

Menurut Ibu Hj. A.F. Ghazali, kalau mau ceramah di suatu daerah, terlebih dulu beliau selalu mengadakan observasi. Bagaimana gaya bicaranya di daerah tersebut? Apa mata pencaharian pada umumnya? Bahkan tanahnya pun tidak lepas dari pengamatan KH. A.F. Ghazali. Jika tanahnya gersang, karakteristik penduduknya akan berbeda dengan yang tinggal di tanah subur. Demikian kata Ibu Hj. A.F. Ghazali sambil memperlihatkan koleksi kaset-kaset ceramah KH. A.F. Ghazali.

Semoga Ibu Hj. A.F. Ghazali mendapat ketabahan dalam menjalani hari-hari tanpa didampingi lagi suami tercinta, KH. A.F. Ghazali. Dan semoga KH. A.F. Ghazali mendapat tempat mulia di sisi Alloh SWT, Amiiin.

Sumber :


Students Opened Asean conference in Bandung

Bandung (ANTARA) - The first student conference involving ASEAN countries and friendly countries such as Singapore, Thailand, malaysia, Philippines, Brunei, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, China, Japan, Korea, officially opened in Gedung Merdeka, Jl . Asia Africa, Bandung, on Wednesday night (20 / 5).

ASEAN University Student Conference? which was held from May 20-24 this is the result of cooperation between the State Ministry of Youth and Sports in coordination with the ASEAN Secretariat, supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Budpar, Diknas, Sesneg, and Menkokesra, and assistance Pemprov Jabar Bandung and Pemkot as `comittee organizing.

Right w.ib. at 20:00, started the event with art attractions Manuk Dance, 180 delegates of the ASEAN countries came impose detail in clothes typical country.

Based on the report committee, 100 delegates from Indonesia in which about 40 are from universities persennya Bandung. While the other participants to 80, come from Brunei Darusalam 7 people, 9 people Philippines, Thailand, 11 people, 8 people of Laos, Myanmar 6, Malaysia 11, Singapore 8, 10 Vietnam, Cambodia 5 people, 5 people of Timor Leste.

With mengusung theme Enriching & Preserving Our Cultural Heritage, organizing this conference is expected to result in `Plan of Action or a joint declaration that describes the action plan in 3-5 years to maintain, enhance, and utilize the cultural heritage.

In addition, this event is also an effort to raise awarness of the `youth of ASEAN, bring all parties to prepare the young generation in the competence of the more stringent, given that the 2015 ASEAN akan ignites in` single ASEAN community.

We want to create a force among the younger generation for future investment, and avoid the threat of damage to the structure and culture of developing countries, said Minister of Youth and Sports, Dr. Ir. Adhyaksa Daus, M. Si attended the ceremony.

The threat is Menpora i was four, namely industry, investment, individualism, information.

We can not avoid globalization. But can avoid the filters of culture, ethics, and moral related to teachings of religion. This would be raised through a unity between the countries in southeast asia, Menpora said.

Based on the results of the meeting of ASEAN countries in Chiangmai, Thailand, June 2008, Indonesia's role as a spark ideas conference eventually appointed as the host of the forum to share information and aspirations for the youth of ASEAN this.

"Elections Bandung as the host was more because of culture-historical," added the Governor of West Java, Ahmad Heryawan, after ceremony.

The Bandung conference was the Asia-Africa tens of years ago remind participants to return the value of the history of the quarry was going back to the community, so that the enthusiasm raised again in the context of the other, first grab for independence and now fill kemerdeka, clearly the Governor.

This activity is also expected to develop the potential of the option to bring mind-thought big, he said.


Garut Developing The Papandayan Tourism

Some management of hotels, resort and tourism services in Garut, initiate to developing tourism in Garut by adding traveling packages to there. One of the offering packages is "waiting the sunrise in top of Papandayan".

According to Mr. Goya A Mahmud from Kampoeng Sampireun Resort & Spa, compared to Bromo, tourism resort such as Garut has advantages ; after seeing the sunrise in the top of Papandayan, the tourist will bring to rafting in Cimanuk river about 8 meters length that will end in the center of town. Then to relieve the exhausted after rafting, tourist can dip in hot water of Cipanas before going home.
Nowadays the tourist package of Sunrise at Papandayan and rafting in Cimanuk river have been introduced to travel agents in Bandung and Jakarta. It is expected that they can offer traveling package to foreigners and can make Garut as tourist destination from Jakarta after Bandung at the week end.
Source : (FKYN for


List of Sundanese Restaurants

AA Laksana
Jl. Cihampelas No. 30
+62 22 4265638

Ayam Goreng Cianjur
Jl. Sunda No. 57
+62 22 4236945;513187

Ayam Goreng Cihampelas
Jl. Cihampelas No. 72
+62 22 4263992

Ayam Goreng Cipaganti
Jl. Cipaganti No. 146
+62 22 2042751

Ayam Goreng Cirebon Ny. Lauw
Jl. Semar No. 23
+62 22 6012023

Ayam Goreng Nikmat
Jl. Panaitan No. 9
+62 22 4237084

Ayam Goreng Raos
Jl. Semar No. 15
Babakan Siliwangi
Jl. Siliwangi No. 7
+62 22 2501394

Bale Gazeeboe
Jl. Suropati No. 49
+62 22 2506716

Boga Kuring
Jl. Dago Bukit Utara No. 53
+62 22 2505365

Boga Sunda
Jl. Dr. Junjungan No. 63

Dago Panineungan
Jl. Ir.H.Juanda No. 153
+62 22 2502011; 2532032

Jl. Sadakeling No. 3
+62 22 7306060

Kampoeng Kuring
Jl. Cihampelas No. 30
+62 22 4263638<

Ma Uneh
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 159

Ma Uneh
Jl. Terasana I No. 132
+62 22 4202568

Mang Kabayan
Jl. Sunda No. 24
+62 22 4264552
Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 168
+62 22 5410279

Panineungan Endah
Jl. Tubagus Ismail 60
+62 22 2503470
Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 855
+62 22 7800416

Ponyo 3
Jl. Malabar No. 60
+62 22 7301477

Ponyo Alam Sejuk
Jl. Kol. Masturi No. 8 Lembang
+62 22 2787768

Riung Panyileukan
Jl. Raya Lembang No. 176
+62 22 2786787

Pondok Sate Mang Oyok
Jl. Sentra Sari Mall Kav B4/92
+62 22 2016125

Ponyo 2
Jl. Raya Cinunuk No. 186 Cileunyi
+62 22 7801858

Riung Sari
Jl. LL. R. E. Martadinata No. 22
+62 22 4206723; 4213771

Sari Nikmat Parasmanan
Jl. Veteran No. 78
+62 22 4264332

Sari Parahyangan
Jl. LL. R. E. Martadinata No. 156-158
+62 22 7205788

Sari Parahyangan
Jl. Soekarno Hatta No.408
+62 22 5226207

Sari Raos I
Jl. Raya Lembang No. 240
+62 22 2786990

Sari Raos II
Jl. Cihampelas No. 122
+62 22 2038993

Sari Sunda
Jl. Lengkong Besar No. 77
+62 22 4238125

Saung Dago
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 151 A
+62 22 2532047

Saung Kabayan
Jl. Dr. Junjunan 107
+62 22 6038370

Saung Lengkong
Jl. Lengkong Besar No. 8

Saung Lingkar
Jl. Lingkar Selatan No. 217
+62 22 604180

Saung Pancuran
Jl. Sawunggaling No. 4

Saung Ranggon
Jl. Tangkuban Perahu 100 Lembang
+62 22 2768215

Saung Rasa
Jl. Jend. A. Yani No. 259

Saung Rossan
Jl. Sersan Bajuri No. I00
+62 22 2003047

Sindang Heula
Jl. Otista No. 16

Sindang Reret
Jl. Surapati No. 53
+62 22 2501474

Sindang Reret II
Jl. Raya Cikole Km.22 Lembang
+62 22 2786500

Soto Bandung
Jl. Cibadak No. 93
+62 22 4205336
Sunda Rumah Makan
Jl. Saad No. 20
+62 22 4241836

Warung Cepot
Jl. Pasirkaliki No. 96
+62 22 6646031